Thursday, April 06, 2006

I hate bunnies!

Actually, no, I don't hate bunnies, but that phrase became part of family legend last night. We christened the fire pit Allen got for Christmas yesterday evening. Allegedly, if this phrase is said when smoke from the fire is billowing over you, it will change directions. Poor Ryan kept having to say it - too funny!

It was a 'fire' kind of evening. Started off with Allen cooking out on the grill, and then the fire pit, and ending with Allen and I playing Burnout Revenge - sensing a theme? It was a very nice evening - and I so needed it after the past few days here at work. The only thing missing was a couple of fuzzy berries - LOL!

Woke up to rain this morning, which is nice. Soothing, calming, refreshing - I need to stop - I'm making myself sleepy!

Have a great day!


Beaner said...

I grew up saying that while MY dad was grilling!!! I didn't know it was an Urban Legend....I kinda thought my dad made that one up! How funny!
Burnout is one of the only games I'll play - it's really fun! Sounds like a fun evening to me - I did a LOT of work on my vegetable & flower gardens along with other yardwork - the whole family got involved & we had a blast! It's so great to have nice days finally - I am SOOO ready for Summer! Rain = Laundry...yuck!

Karen said...

Sounds like I need to google this game... I've never heard of it. But anything with "revenge" in the title has to be fun!

Chris said...

Karen - you HAVE to love a game where you're rewarded for getting into crashes - and the more spectacular the better! GREAT stress-reliever...! LOL

Donna G said...

I hope your relaxing home fires helps your stress at work....praying for the job...

Anonymous said...

I heard a little from my new place.. they have one more interview next Monday.