Shhh! I'm listening in on my son's conversations as they're playing a video game - yes, TOGETHER! I know! I'm hoping they've forgotten I'm here. I can't remember when the last time was they played a game together, on the same 'team', and were so complimentary! I've heard so many 'good jobs!' and 'yessss!' and 'way to go!s' spoken to one another - it's almost like they were - *gasp* - FRIENDS!?! Usually I hear the hitting and sniping and insults and eventually the younger one throwing his controller, 'cuz he's not as good as the older one and then stomping upstairs in tears 'cuz he's mad. THIS is SOOO refreshing! Makes me all happy and glowy and tingly...
Hope it lasts...!
But what game was it???
I highly recommend Guitar Hero II - it's a fun game to play together too!
See, video games aren't all bad!
Take it when you can get it....
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