Thursday, November 15, 2007

Catching up

So, yeah, Thanksgiving is one week away. Can you believe it?! And tomorrow, (Friday) the holiday-which-must-not-yet-be-named will be here in less time than Noah didn't have to water his lawn! (So to speak...)

My supervisor has asked me to mentor/train the new person that will be coming to work with me. Great news! I'm very happy that she has seen something in me that she feels is good enough to train someone else. However, that means my current partner on my floor and former mentor/trainer is moving to another floor. Yeah, NOT so great news! So, I'm trying really hard not to be a pain about being excited, and respecting the fact that she doesn't want to move. I know she's bitter (inside, anyway) and not happy by any stretch of the imagination. But like someone told me today, I can't own her problems.

Soooo...I guess I won't! Lol!


Donna G said...

Cards done yet?

Beaner said...

I'm afraid that the Scrooge-Eaters will come if I mention Christm-- I mean, the holiday-which-must-not-yet-be-named!!!

I don't like an early Thanksgiving - it's throwing me WAAAY off!!! (As if I had far to throw!)

Chris said...

True - but next year is going to be a bear! How about a slumbie/decorating/cookieexchange combo for '08?