Saturday, March 08, 2008


Just wanted to get my retreat impressions out there, as it were...

I felt like the women's retreat this year went really, really well! We worked on it, praying and planning and tweaking and refining for nearly a year. Our theme was Overflow, and I asked our speakers to prepare 20 - 30 minutes on that theme, and that was pretty much the only direction I gave them. And we stepped back and watched God bring it all together - so amazing!! Somehow, even over all the miles between everyone, He made everything nearly seamless! I had so many comments on how well everything came together, and how Spirit-filled the weekend was. I think the highlight for me was the prayer walk. I had so much positive feedback on that. One sister in particular said that even if we did nothing else for the entire weekend, the prayer walk was more than enough for her, and that Jesus met her in a very real way. I'm anxious to hear what others who attended the weekend thought of the retreat!

Now, on to the rest of the year...!


Donna G said...

Sounds like you were all blessed to be together..

Still miss hearing from you!!

Beaner said...

The Retreat was Awesome for me. Every year I get something new out of it. This year taught me that I MUST take care of myself & find time to enjoy the things that I love, as well as finding as much time as possibe to spend time with my sisters. It also reminded me to continue to appreciate the works of God's hands - the stars, the beauty of the lake, the birds, the colors of the world, etc.
As I said before, the Retreat just wouldn't be the same w/o that if we could only do something about the hot water situation! ;-) Thanks for ALL your hard work!!!