Thursday, May 29, 2008


So I'm officially another year older as of Monday. Not too big of a deal, although as my husband lovingly reminds me, I'm now IN my forties, not just forty! Thanks dear! Very quiet weekend overall.

School's over except for that pesky state-required hour - really, I mean, what's the point?! One kid wants to go, one doesn't. Whatev.

Work is work. I still am really enjoying it, and my boss seems to think I have something to contribute, because she keeps giving me things to do! Lol! As a matter of fact, she wants to meet for lunch tomorrow (away from the BIC) and put something else on my to do list. Hmmm...sounds intriguing...

Okay, well, life is progressing - some good, some not so much - but always blessed and forgiven - AMEN!


Anonymous said...

One week from Saturday, I'll be in my mid-forties. I think mid forties will last until 49 when I will then be in my late forties. Maybe I should just call it all forties...

Donna G said...

Happy Belated birthday....forties are slowly slipping away for me...

HW said...

Welcome to forty-something. It's not bad at all.

And about that extra hour of school? Ours don't even do that. They just ask the kids to show up and the teachers literally meet them at the door to the building - the kids do not enter - and give out report cards. We don't even take our kids anymore and let the report cards arrive in the mail. What are they going to do, mark them absent?