Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I was paid a compliment today that I absolutely don't deserve. I have been sending short devotionals out to the women on the women's ministry servant group on Wednesdays. I've really enjoyed finding just the right ones, and rummaging through my files Wednesday mornings in order to send them out. (Yes, paper files - so?) Any-hoo, one of the women emailed me back and paid me a very sweet compliment. I was brought up short, and very convicted about all that I haven't been doing for this ministry. I know that's not at all why she sent it, but God took care of the real message...

Got the boy's progress reports recently. DS2 will be on A-B honor roll again! And - drum roll please! - DS1 is not only passing, he's passing pretty darn well, thankyouverymuch! Has the corner finally been turned?! Wahoo!


My goober of a husband is floating through the house this week. He's finally getting to leave on at least part of his long awaited Blues & BBQ tour. This weekend, he and another brother from church are heading to KCMO for lots of fellowship, lots of music, and lots of RIBS! As I am typing, he started playing Fats Domino's "Going to Kansas City." Albone is SOOO jazzed (no pun intended!) about going! And I'm very excited for him - he needs this trip! He deserves this trip! He's finally going on this trip!

And my plans for the weekend? Hint: two words - a season and an unpleasant activity...guesses? Yep - spring cleaning! I'm sure my boys would appreciate prayers for rescue.


Beaner said...

I'm single too - maybe if I get over this darn cold, I'll get some Spring Cleaning in too! That video you showed the WMSG & the Spiritual application is still in my head!! Couple that with the Nooma video (titled: Sunday) that I saw last night about the cup being clean on the outside, but not on the inside & I'm pumped to do some MAJOR Spring cleaning of my soul/spirit too!

Anonymous said...

Hey... I'm single, too. Oh, but I'm ALWAYS single. Ain't it great!

Diane said...

Single weekends are AWESOME!! But you've got to do something fun too besides spring cleaning!!!