Saturday, July 08, 2006

Looks like we made it...

Wow - we seem to have survived! Ryan's birthday sleepover, that is...he just kept inviting people, bless his heart. At final tally, we were supposed to have 9 boys in our home last night. However, two were unable to be here, so we ended up with 7 sweaty, smelly, preteen boys funkin' up the living room last night. They didn't stay up too terribly late, but I was not pleased when they were up and laughing before 7am - grrrr...

My co-worker/trainer type person is back. She took some time off when her father died, and then a few weeks later, went on a planned vacation. She was back for a day, and then had finger surgery and was out over the holiday weekend. I've kinda gotten used to doing things my way by now. Not sure how that's going to go over. I feel like I'm taking over her job - which is not good - but it's never been clear to me which duties are hers and which are mine.

Speaking of the ol' jobaroonie - I got audited while she was on vacation. Great. One of the two people that for some reason intimidate me showed up one afternoon and announced rather imperiously that she was here for the bimonthly audit of the floor. *gulp* Um, okay, what do I need to do? And she proceeded to do her thang, as it were. Fortunately, I passed! Woohoo! I mentioned it to my co-worker when she returned, and she was "sorry" she missed it - why do I doubt that?

Off to work on those blasted angels...

1 comment:

mark said...

ok..."blasted angels?" is there an oxymoron in there somewhere?