Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Remember me?

Howdy, Blogville! Been awhile, I know. Man, I wish I could blog at work...grrr!

Anyway...on to bigger and better things! Namely, today my baby hit double digits. That's right. My "Rybie" turns ten today. He has been a sweetheart from day one. Always pretty patient, definitely sensitive and loving, an all-around good kid. He's smart, funny, goofy, handsome (gets that from his father, by the way), and a real giver. God is so good! Sometimes (okay, a lot of times) I am in awe that He trusted us with these two wonderful kids!

Happy Birthday Sweetie!


Now, back to our regularly scheduled (more or less) newsy bits...

So, my worst nightmare at work happened a few days ago. We have these revolving doors which are activiated by our name badges. You swipe your badge, the door turns like twice and FREEDOM! Well, I swiped my card, stepped into the door thingy, and the door started to turn. And then the door stopped. With me trapped inside, like a hamster without a wheel. You have to understand that I'm pretty claustrophobic, so this was not a great place for me to be. I started motioning frantically to some passersby to swipe their badges. Unfortunately, their grasp of English wasn't great, and I got some uncomfortable smiles and head-shakes. Panic is starting to set in - air running out - daylight fading...*cough* Go on - save yourselves! Actually, the door realized that it needed to spit the crazy woman out of its gullet and spun backwards to let me out. I wouldn't say that our relationship is necessarily adversarial at this point, but we do give one another a pretty wide berth...

I think that's enough for one day...and besides, I have a birthday cake to frost...


Anonymous said...

It's my friend, Chris!!!!

I don't have a good relationship with revolving doors AT ALL! 'nuff said!

Beaner said...

Hi!!! I've always wondered if that could happen - now I know! I remember when your kids were MY kids ages....WOW!! Have a great day!

Donna G said...

I don't think revolving doors are natural at all....I also don't like doors that open (or sometimes don't) as you walk into them.....

Good to see you back out here....

Happy belated birthday to your Big Man!!

Beaner said...

Skip!!!!! YAY!!! Congrats on the house! Please tell me you're going to ZOE this year? Chris, I think you're due to go again this year too! We can also meet up with Donna & Terri too!

Donna G said...

I like Beaner's planning....Hey Skip!!!