Monday, January 29, 2007


I got a call this evening, telling me that someone, a lady from church, passed away suddenly this weekend. I was shocked. Granted, she had not been in the best of health, but I never expected this! She was disabled to some degree, and had other physical challenges.
I called a few sisters that I knew were close to her, to check if they were handling the news okay. I mentioned to one that I didn't know her well, and that I really didn't have the opportunity to get to know her. I then corrected myself - yes, there was the opportunity. The chance to serve a sister in need, the chance to take her to church or to the store, the chance to send her a note, the chance to call and check on her.
I think that may be the most tragic thing: evidently no one knows how long she'd been dead before she was found. It could have been anytime between Thursday and Monday morning. I remember noticing her absence at church Sunday, and I was hoping she was feeling alright. But I didn't call. She had just joined us on the women's ministry servant group, and was very excited about the events we have planned.
I just feel bad, you know? I mean, I know where she is now, but what were her last moments like? Had she taken a fall? She was unable to get back up if she had. Was she frightened? Was it sudden, like a stroke or heart attack? Was she in pain? Did she cry out for help?
Please pray for her family.

1 comment:

Beaner said...

I, too, have been struggling with the thoughts of "Did I do enough?" we all know that death is inevitable, yet it keeps on feeling like a shock - you just expect to always see someone around. She was just asking me if there was anything she could do to help at the Food Bank.

I just hope that we, in some way, helped to lighten her load while she was with us.

And this has made me want to tell others how important they have been in lightening MY load & carrying MY burdens in the past - I could not have gotten through all that crud a couple years ago w/o YOU!!!!!

Lifting prayers for all.