No, this isn't going to be some sort of political entry, or even about Britney's belly.
My feelings were hurt this weekend, completely unintentionally, but I REALLY struggled to deal with it. It affected my attitude Saturday, it affected my worship on Sunday, it made me grumpy and resentful and altogether unpleasant to be around.
Someone mentioned offhandedly that a bunch of friends were getting together Saturday evening, and wondered if I'd be there. Well, that would be no, because this was the first I'd heard about it.
"Oh. Well, your name was mentioned."
So my attitude was crap.
I really, truly, tried to look on the brighter side - to be encouraged that some of the women were getting together in fellowship and fun (one of my goals for the women at church), and I knew that if I prayed for their evening, my attitude would improve. So I tried to pray.
Yeah. That didn't go so well.
I was pretty far down into my own little pity party to do much prayer-warrior-ing (?) but, I did get over it. Thanks in large part to a well-timed pants-kicking by my beloved hubby.
Then Monday happens along and all my insecurities that nobody likes me were brought to the fore once again, due to some perceived (on my part) anger or SOMEthing with a co-worker. I hated how I felt. I hated that it was happening again. I hated that I had let satan get to me.
I gave myself a mental shake and reached out to the co-worker, who by the way, was FINE - no anger AT. ALL.
Satan is such a nerd!
I really like you. If you lived close to me you could come to our prayer girls night and I'd make cookies for you!
I feel like an awful friend right now. I've been meaning to talk to you about how lame I've been with the Women's Ministry stuff, but I've been busy, and honestly, just too self-absorbed to even notice anyone else around me. Sorry about that.
Consider the pants-kicking to have been passed along (even though I know that wasn't your intent!) I need a good, swift one every now & then!
It's really hard to pray when I feel like I'm not pulling my own weight - like I'm being LAZY by talking to God about it. You think that's Satan too?
been there....felt that...hate it for you as I hated it for me.
Don't let that nerd get to you!!
It is very hard to be left out of the group. I try to remind my daughter, when she is dealing with the pains of jr. high, that even grown ups get their feelings hurt; so I understand. I'm sorry this happened to you.
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