Thursday, October 27, 2005


Thursday?!? Already?!? Cripes!

I haven't had a chance to a) change DH's blog; b) compile a list of seven blog ideas for him; c) write the blog he asked me to write. I've failed blog-sitting. *sigh* I guess I still have a little bit of time...

On the happy news front - Tyler Stewart came through the surgery just fine! Much rejoicing! Still some things to watch out for, but we're very encouraged. is his birthday! Happy, happy birthday, Tyler!!


I read John Alan Turner's blog today (and if you haven't - you really should!) He talks about Elijah calling Elisha into ministry, and how intimidating it must have been. Asking someone to change their life so radically, to walk away from everything they know and love to continue in a completely different mode. And then John challenged me to not say "No" FOR anyone; to not deny someone the opportunity to decide their own answers, choose their own fate, open their hearts to God - just because I don't think they'll be open, or because I'm afraid of their reaction.

Guilty as charged.


Beaner said...

Wow - good read on that blog! What is scary to me is that once people know the truth, then they have to decide for themselves to believe it or not. Now they're forced to make a choice. I sometimes like to think that those people could have just played the "get-out-of-hell-free-because-I-didn't-know" card, but I know that's not the truth. Crazy, huh?

Donna G said...

I liked JAT's post as well.

Thank God little Tyler is home and for his birthday! That is such great news!

Thanks for your prayers and blugs on my behalf as well. My Dad did great!