Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Every time I'd check on my blog yesterday, I kept seeing the sentence about my grandfather coming to visit Friday. And the more I was reminded of his visit, the more irritated I became. Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed seeing him and my aunt very much. This is my father's side of the family, and, well, there was not a lot of contact for a very long time. So I'll take just about anything I can get.

But during his visit, he kept bringing up my mother. Repeatedly. And bad-mouthing her. Now, I can understand some bad feelings lingering for awhile - but the divorce was final THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! Get over it! For the love!

Why can't people just let go? What is it in our human nature that wants to hold on to things - and I've found most often bad or painful things - and worry them like a bad tooth? If God can forget my sins, why can't I? Why can't anyone else? Why can't I forgive you your sins? Why can't you forgive me mine? Why do we hold on to things we know are bad for us? Or things about which we can do nothing? Arrgh!


Beaner said...

wow. the spammers are getting through the barricades!!! what do we do now?

When you get the answer on 'How to let go' please tell me or write a book - I'm sure it'd be a best-seller.

Beaner said...

Just found this & I have to add it!

It's by Larry James & it's GOOD!!!

Chris said...

Wow! That is pretty good!