Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry I've been out of touch for awhile. My younger DS has been running a fever since Friday. But he's back at school today! Yay!

I appreciate your comment, Skip. I thought worship went well too. However, it was my first time up front since the conversation with my 'friend,' and I have to admit, I really struggled to keep my focus on why I was there, instead of worrying about how the people who are also close to this person feel about me. It was extremely difficult to keep my head and heart where I needed them to be. I couldn't even look at these people, because I kept imagining they were giving me dirty looks or whatever. I know it was Satan weirding me out, but it was so hard!

I asked a dear friend if we could get together and talk soon. She's been terribly busy and I feel like we've not seen one another for years! She said we could, but it wouldn't be for another couple of weeks. *sigh*

I guess things are going better for my husband at work. The project he is supposed to be doing is a 'go' but there's still tension.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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