Monday, November 08, 2004

Toughie (Aug 25) Redux

If you'll recall the above-mentioned post, (like anyone pays that close of attention to my humble little blog!) I was dealing with my feelings about a particular situation with a friend. Well, I called said friend today. Actually, I ambushed her in a way. She was certainly not expecting me to call! We hashed out quite a few things, tears were shed, apologies were exchanged. However, she isn't sure she wants to resume the friendship. And, frankly, I'm okay with whatever her decision will be. I understand, and admitted, that I haven't been a great friend to her. She brought up some things that she had every right to be upset about. Now it seems she doesn't know whether to trust the person to whom she's been listening to about me, or, And I'm struggling with this third party as well. Evidently this person passed on some overheard comments that really hurt my friend. I apologized for whatever it was I may have said.

A weight of sorts has been lifted, and I know I've done what I needed to do, and more importantly what my Father wanted me to do. So whatever the outcome, I'm good.

Now. About my mother...

Lord, thank You for my friends openness with me. I asked her to forgive me and I ask the same of You. Forgive the hurtful things I may have said, the things I thought in my heart, and my poor attitude. Forgive the way I resisted resolving this situation for so long. If it is Your will that this relationship be rekindled, then so be it, but if not, then help us to both be okay with that too.


commentator33 said...

I hope it turns out alright for the both of you. God cares for you both and it is so cool you were able to talk and sort things out.

Don't forget how much God's grace abounds to you
Acts 13:43
When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.

Continue in His grace also, don't let yourself get downtrodden and stuff. Smile and Press on

Donna G said...

I am very grateful for you that your weight has been lifted about your friend. I have a similar situation in my life that I have tried to put behind me thinking I have done all that I can do, but God keeps bringing it to mind so obviously I have more work to do.

You can't believe how jealous I am that you have addressed your Christmas Cards. But, I do have mine bought, seeing as how I never got them mailed out last year. Hope I do better this year....