Thursday, April 21, 2005

Brother vs brother

Wow! This bronchitis has just been kicking my tail! I've just been exhausted! I'm barely getting done what absolutely HAS to be done some days. But the biaxin seems to be kicking in, and hope springs eternal for singing Sunday.

I went outside this morning and cut some lilacs to bring into the office - they're at their peak and GORGEOUS! Unfortunately, my only white lilac bush succumbed to a windstorm last year.

It's official! Not only have I blown Mother of the Year - this morning I blew the Lifetime Achievement Award too. I don't know what the deal is with these two creatures living in our home! It's like since I've been sick this week (which, according to DS1 is all my fault!) they've sensed a weakness in the parent herd and are moving in for the kill! Sheesh! This morning's battle was over those silly 'Live Strong'-esque bracelets. Evidently they were discussing a trade, and one changed his mind, and then chaos ensued with the younger going after the elder's throat at the breakfast table - aaarrrrggghhhh! Where are the Walton's when you need them?! So, the bracelets got tossed at DH's command - albeit temporarily - and that launched DS2's lament that nobody likes him. If they're like this at 8 & 10, what the heck am I going to do at 14 & 16?!?

Lord, please restore peace to our home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Debra Breyan and i would like to show you my personal experience with Biaxin.

I have taken for 4 days. I am 54 years old. This is a horrible drug! Don't take it! I'm sick of these new "wonder" drugs (like Levaquin, even worse than Bioxin) that just make you worse than your illness, and I'm sick of doctors who prescribe them and then don't believe you when you have unbearable side effects. It should be taken off the market.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Abdonimal pain, gas, bloating, depression (really severe), dizziness, "spaced out," disconnected feeling, fatigue, unable to concentrate. This drug has really messed up my week--I can't get anything done, just walk around in a daze. And my sinuses & cough aren't all that much better.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Debra Breyan

Biaxin Side Effects