Friday, April 15, 2005


Thanks to all of you! You've been so encouraging and understanding! I don't think my funk is quite as deep as it was earlier in the week...

I've not quite gotten to the point where I'm a happy peppy person again, but I'm getting there. I actually listened to some christian music today - something I haven't done in some time - which if you know me at all is waaaay out of character!

No offense, Fireguy, but I'm kinda looking forward to some down time tonight. Peace, quiet, time to think, reflect, and stitch (yes, I found a project that, for all intents and purposes is free!), and maybe even make more than a nodding acquaintance with God. We'll see.

I can't make any predictions or promises as to Sunday morning, and I may have to pull out my happy face mask for singing (I hope not!) but I'll be there.

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