Monday, April 04, 2005

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday! It's the start of another week. Another opportunity to see the beauty around us, to share our lives with someone who needs to know someone cares, to enjoy the life and blessings poured out on us by our benevolent Father.

DH and I spent about an hour with a college class taught by a friend of ours this morning. It's become almost a standing engagement. When he teaches a class on multiculturalism, he invites us to come and speak about our marriage. We really enjoy it. It gives us an opportunity to share some about our faith as well. I will admit that today, though, all these college students looked really young! *sigh*

I recently finished Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz. Wow! LOVED. IT. It really opened my eyes, and led me out of my happy little christian churchy cocoon. The things he writes showed me that I've been wrong about a lot of things, and I want to change. Which is very frightening. And difficult. But we've all gotta start somewhere!


Donna G said...

I am ordering that book today! I still have not bought a book since my book fast. I will break it with that one. Thanks for volunteering for my interview, look for it later in the week.

Donna G said...

Your 5 Questions are ready on my blog. I hope I didn't get too personal. I feel like I know you because you let us into your life.

Hope you enjoy!