Tuesday, June 14, 2005


We had some pretty heavy thunderstorms roll through the area last night. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, it rained a bit Sunday too. Just seems like the heavens are weeping. I know that sounds melodramatic and overblown, but it's just the mood. I'm always fascinated by storms, and after it was over last night, I stepped out on the deck looking at the clouds. The light was so odd. It was that weird, otherworldly yellow-sepia tone in the sky that makes everything and everyone look jaundiced. And everything was so still. The birds hadn't restarted their songs yet. Everyone was still inside, protected. Everyone but my family. We all stepped out and saw the most beautiful full rainbow. All of us just stood and watched the clouds move through the rainbow. The breeze was cool and refreshing. Restorative after the heat of the day. A tonic. The clouds shifted, the earth turned, and the rainbow started to fade quickly. The breezes blew, the sun moved and the rainbow returned, brighter than before.

DH and I just watched in awe. He leaned over and said quietly, "I hope they saw that."

Me, too.

Lord, please keep pouring out Your love! Give us strength, peace and rest. Please let the healing begin!


Beaner said...

We were on the back porch with the kids during the storm. Dwight was reading Nick's new Bible & he picked out the story of Noah (since it was raining). We put the kids to bed & came back on the porch & talked for a while. After the storm stopped, I, too, saw the weird color in the sky & had to go outside to see it - I love storms too. We both stepped outside & saw 2 rainbows. Dwight said there was 1 for each of us. Please keep praying for us. My goal for today is that I can open my Bible & start reading again. God is the ONLY one that will convince me of some of the stuff about my life. I know what I did was wrong, but I need to really feel it & believe it & have a contrite heart about it & I am not there yet. Thanks you for your thoughts & prayers through this.

Chris said...

Love you girl!

Jeff said...

I missed the double rainbow--and I loved your comment about the heavens weeping. It reminds me very much of a choir song that I sang bass in before I even got the Ph.D. Too bad it's not adapted for a cappella, for it's called, "God cried." The verses focus on God's tears as He sacrificed His Son--but the last verse is so beautifully triumphant:
"And God, cried, 'Jesus is Alive!' The gates of Hell are broken, and heaven's opened wide." His promises are so eternal--and He does indeed cry when we stray from what He so very much wants to give us. Praise God for the rainbows, His Word, and His Body of believers!

Donna G said...

That was a beautiful word picture you painted. I too love storms, but gratefully send you the rain that we have been overly blessed with.

Hang in there!

Dwiggy444 said...

These blogs are a pretty cool way to see how God is working in all of us simultaneously. Kinda eerie, but comforting too.

Keep on praying Sistah!!!