Monday, October 11, 2004

Blah, part 2

Back to the grindstone! Nothing like coming back to work after a week off and having a week's worth piled as high as an elephant's eye...but at least they appreciate me a bit more now!

Anyway, as to my earlier mentioned funk...still kinda there, but not quite as bad. I've not been sleeping well, and it's definitely catching up to me. I sang with the praise team yesterday, and we did 'Be Still and Know' and the new Zoe song 'Still.' I clung to that mantra Saturday - only it was more like 'I'll try to be still and know...' It was difficult, but I'll keep trying.

My 2nd DS got into a fight at school last week. Gotta love those phone calls from the principal's office! Turns out he was defending another student who was getting picked on. So, the in-school suspension was deemed punishment enough. The intentions were right but the action was not. It's sorta getting through...sigh.

Anyway, on with the family loving/church serving/Christmas planning/housework/gift making/recital planning/auction working/...(not necessarily in that order, of course! ;)

Thank You, Lord, for all the precious blessings You have given me. Help me to find a way to sit still in Your presence.

1 comment:

commentator33 said...

God Bless and may you be able to sit in stillness with Him even more and know He is God