Monday, October 25, 2004


I had such a wonderful weekend with my friend Diane! She was so encouraging! We had lunch together with another sister Saturday, which was great, but I didn't feel like I could really TALK to Diane with someone else there. But she came back by Sunday afternoon so we could go see my DH who was working, and we had a chance to talk then. I had always considered her quite a bit older than myself, but we were comparing notes and were reminded that we're closer in age than we thought. I guess because she's older in the faith than I am, and her husband is older, and her kids are older than mine, we just kinda thought there was more of a gap than there is. It really made me feel good when she told me how glad she was that I was able to make time for her. (!)

Worship on Sunday was great! The singing was fun - I was filling in - and the message was good. What a time of refreshment!

Now, thoughts are turning toward Halloween and costumes and candy, and then to the rest of the holiday season. I'm feeling woefully behind in my Christmas crafting and planning, but I guess if I feel that way, I'm already further ahead than at this time last year!

Lord, thank You so much for the time of refreshing I had this weekend! You always know what I need and when I need it - something that is so amazing to me! Thank You for Diane and her family and their friendship. Help me to be that kind of friend.

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