Friday, October 15, 2004


My grandmother recently gave me a flower garden quilt. She had pieced the flowers over a number of years when the kids were very young, during moves to different states, etc. The flowers are made of delightfully old-fashioned fabrics saved from her mother and father's worn clothing, her and my grandfather's old shirts and dresses, and even bits from my mom and aunt's baby dresses. The flowers were recently put together as a couple of smaller baby quilts for the new babies in the family, and one larger quilt that for some reason came to me (I LOVE being the golden child!) It was the first time I really considered using the quilt, and I was torn - do I actually USE it or store it away, preserving it for the future? I think you see where I might be heading here. Do I actually USE my faith/gifts/prayers - whatever, or do I store it away, to save until I might actually need them for some emergency?

We used the quilt. And it was great!

1 comment:

Donna G said...

Now that's better. Wrap up in that quilt, use your gifts instead of saving them for "special occasions". Glad to see things are "great"!