Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Friends Forever

Seem to be having a little trouble publishing today - let's try that again!

I have a dear friend coming to town this weekend. She and her husband were my 'adopted parents' when I was in college. They graciously opened their home to me when I was between engagement and marriage, and didn't have enough time to sign a lease between the two. She filled the role normally played by the mother of the bride (let's not go there!) at my wedding while her eldest son was our ring bearer (he was very disappointed there were no antler involved in the job of 'reindeer') and her husband walked me down the aisle. They moved within weeks of the birth of my second child, so it's been awhile since we've been able to get together.

Well, she called me last night to find out when we could get together. I was excited, because I had heard she had a very busy schedule this weekend, and was only expecting to see her Sunday at church. She explained her schedule and we made plans. She also asked me to let other people know that she would be available AFTER our visit. I felt so important!

Which got me thinking - how often do I make time like that for a visit with God? Shouldn't He feel at LEAST as important as she made me feel?


Chris said...


commentator33 said...

thanks for that,
definately something i should think about.
making time for a visit with God...
yeah - really great thought