Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Midweek Musings

Wednesday again. Things are on a somewhat more even keel for the moment at least. My 'friend' from August/last week's drama has not called back as she vowed she would. So I guess that chapter is closed.

The wedding Saturday was beautiful! The bride looked like a fairy princess! It was such a sweet, simple ceremony, and it was so genuine! I'm so happy for her and her new hubby! It was impossible NOT to see their faith!

Sunday, my younger DS and I went to see my grandmother. She had cooked a veritible feast, and I felt so bad that it was just the two of us, instead of the four of us! But we had a great time. I got to hear about all the trials and tribulations of my cousins and aunts.

I got a package today in the mail at work. Very curious, since I hadn't ordered anything. I opened this little box and found a wrapped gift inside, with a thank you card from one of my attorney vendors. And inside the wrapped gift was a box from Malley's Chocolates - yummm!
Made my day, lemme tell ya! Even better when I discovered that none of my coworkers like English toffee. Rapture! So I'm savoring each little square...


Beaner said...

It's Friday now.....are the chocolates gone yet?

Chris said...

lol! Not yet, and I'm very proud of myself!