Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Yes, Lord

We got our latest catalog/flyer from our local christian bookstore yesterday. I usually peruse it looking for new music or novels - just to see what's out there. They also have lots of inspirational knick-knacks, etc, including pictures. Well, last night, one of the pictures stopped me cold. Not so much for the art, but for the words.

I am a woman who walks with the Lord.
His hand guides my steps.
He is the One who goes before me
and makes my way safe.
I am led with gentleness,
kindness and grace.
He sets the perfect pace.
My steps are steps of peace.
He is beside me as my Helper,
ahead of me as my Shield,
and behind me as my Protector.
He is the purpose of my journey,
and the destination I seek.

I read the first line and my heart started pounding and my soul cried out! Even with all the other stuff I've been dealing with, this - THIS - is the prayer and longing of my heart! I just didn't know how to say it.


Beaner said...

I like the poem, but from my perspective I don't believe the hand of the Lord guides my steps. I think He lets me turn one way or the other & when I screw up He eases me back onto the path. And when I REALLY screw up He gives me a whack on the head with His staff & pushes me back onto the path. But that's not very poetical!

AKH said...

Hmmmm, I wonder what my lovely bride would like for her birthday?

Donna G said...

This is great! I love it too, I would by it.

Chris said...

I'll make sure you get the catalog, dear! teehee!