Sunday, June 12, 2005


I have never - NEVER - seen bravery and humility and love and Jesus like I did today. In the midst of the pain, He began healing. In the midst of anger, He brought love. This has been a really hard time, but I pray this is the beginning of reconciliation and healing. Please continue to be on your knees for our church family and individuals.

Thank You Lord! Please continue to cover them and protect them!!!


Chris said...

Next week, brother, next week!

Donna G said...

My prayers continue..

Donna G said...

Thanks for pointing me to Dwiggy's blog. I feared after reading "Fireguy" that this might be the issue. I know everyone must feel betrayed and exposed.

My prayers will intensify and be more specific!

Jeff said...

We indeed saw Christ modeled Sunday. It has challenged me to deepen my walk with Christ. I hope it has for others.