Monday, January 09, 2006

Tell me this week will get better...

Nothing like waking five minutes before you're supposed to be at work, eh? Grrrr...

Friday evening we watched the penguins march. Meh. It was okay. I much prefer the Blue Planet series that came out a few years ago. They're reshowing it right now on the National Geographic channel, or something like that. The best part about it was sharing time with the fam.

So. This weekend was pretty good. Saturday, Allen worked, so I straightened up the house, did laundry, all the fun stuff, and then spent the rest of the time stitching PG#1. Went pretty well. But ask me again when I'm on PG #18...

The boys spent Saturday night at a friend's house, so it was just me in complete control of the remote...ahhhh...

Sunday we went to church, and then watched football. And evidently went to bed way too late (see the opening sentence.)

So...ever in a tearing hurry again - gotta get something done today at work...


Beaner said...

What a horrible thing to wake up to!!! I REALLY hope that your week goes uphill from here! Have a good one & maybe we'll do lunch Wed. or Thurs.? Blugs!

Chris said...

I think either one will be fine - lemme know...