Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Thanks for the well wishes - my back is feeling a bit better today.

I had every intention of working on retreat stuff last night, but instead we faced the damage, and had our taxes done. So tonight, after PT practice, it's back at it! I guess my biggest problem is going to be condensing the book into a single class and a short blurb before small group/individual studies. There's A LOT in this book that I really am feeling led to cover, while at the same time, I'm going through the process for myself again. I still have time, but I'm fighting the imp named Overwhelmed and his companion Time Crunch.

I think a big part of my problem last night was wanting to work on the small group sheets before I was finished with the class - cart before horse time. Maybe that's why I was almost eager to get the taxes done! LOL!

I really appreciate all the encouragement I've received from sisters about doing this class, and the prayer covering, not to mention the practical support. Thanks, gals!


Beaner said...

I am really excited about this retreat & even more so about this book & the lesson. (No pressure, though, really!)

Whenever I'm stuck with a time problem or something that I'm not sure about how i'm going to work it out, that song that goes "God will find a way, where there seems to be no way" pops into my head! Hope you'll find comfort with that thought (or you'll be very annoyed with me if you can't get that out of your head) Blugs, sister!!!

Donna G said...

You know,

You might want to start with the sheets for the break-out. Then you can condense the materieal you cover to be applicable to the work-sheets. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to work it backwards.....just a thought.

You are going to do GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

Podcast that retreat!

Not that I have an ipod... could you tape it on an 8 track?


Beaner said...

Terri - We'll do a rendition of "WEEEEEEE got da funk!" just for you!!!