Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Good news/bad news

Well, I totally blew it last night! I was supposed to be at praise team practice and completely forgot about it! I think that's the first time in three years, but still...! :(

My elder DS called me yesterday after school to let me know he had received a 100 on a school paper. This is a HUGE deal, as we were unsure whether he would move on to a new grade last year! So we celebrated appropriately on the phone and I encouraged him as well as I could without huggin' the stuffin' out of him.

Later last night, as the kids were going to bed, younger DS gave my DH an envelope which he had received from his teacher last week, and the contents of which we were supposed to review and return Tuesday. Grrr! So we went through the homework - all of which were very high scores - hooray! And then I found it - the 'I will...' sheet! Basically, the 'I will' sheet is a half sheet of paper on which the student takes responsibility for some rule violation. Sneaky little dickens gave it to us right before bedtime too! So we discussed the event this morning, and he understood that vengeance is the Lord's - not his - and he can't push someone just because they pushed him first.

All of which made me think - how often do I run to God with good news, and thanksgiving? Or do I try to hide the stuff I know He won't like?


commentator33 said...

some true true stuff there mate.
Thanks for posting it
what you said at the end especially is very helpful.
I think being honest before our LORD is something very hard at times. We hide things from Him without realising it. But over tiem we learn to speak with Him from our heart.
Keep up the blogging mate
God Bless

Jeff said...

Wow--guilty on both counts, for those last questions. How often do we feel so inadequate that we don't run to God with our good news. Do we thank Him for His wonderful gifts? Or do we focus on the negative and not see all the positive things in our lives. I tend to do that.

But I also tend to avoid talking to God about the bad things, fearing that He'll take me to the woodshed one more time. But God, like any good father, chastens those He loves, and we are the better for it. But it's hard not to be human and do like our father Adam--what happened after that first sin? He went and hid himself. . . .