Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Passion

Tuesdays. Nothin' like 'em! Labor Day weekend was relatively uneventful family-wise. Found out that some of the Florida family made it through the storms, but still waiting to hear from the others.

My DH decided to get creative this weekend with some yummy Mexican food. Black bean and corn salsa, spicy chicken, brown rice - love that man o' mine!

We were going to go to the Labor Day parade Monday, and then DH informed the kiddos that we could actually be IN the parade - well, there was no stopping them at that point! My youngest DS got to ride shotgun in an antique fire engine while the rest of us walked the parade route drumming up donations for MDA. Except for the breakneck pace of the parade, fun was had by all (although I'd like to know whose idea it was to put those two big hills in the middle of the route!)

Later Monday evening, with a great deal of discussion, gentle leadership and timely questions and answers, we watched 'The Passion' as a family. The kids were probably still a bit too young (my older child flat out stated he was too young! But I think that was because his friends wanted to play!) They both had some very intelligent questions, and were okay with watching it. I hope we didn't try to over-explain things.

So, in essence, I got nothing done that I had intended or even wanted to accomplish this weekend, but overall, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out!

Lord, thank You for the time of rest we had this past weekend. Work is a good thing, but rest is so needed!

1 comment:

Beaner said...

Hi! Our family saw you guys on the fire truck as we were "trying" to get downtown to pick up my mother-in-law. My kids think your kids are even cooler now! I hope the rest of your week will be restful. We missed you the other day. ;)