Thursday, September 16, 2004

'Mommy Dearest'

So, my mother retired recently. Her company gave a big fancy schmancy party for her. The whole family was invited to attend and even speak. I know because I saw the pictures. I was not invited. And I guess I'm feeling a little bitter. My mother hasn't voluntarily spoken to me in more than twelve years. Sometimes my heart just aches. Then there are times when I just want to cut off all relations and turn my back. I play the dutiful daughter and send cards on the appropriate holidays, but I'm not allowed to do anything else. I guess today it's bothering me more than usual. And I'm kind of in a funk, so it's not turning to depression or sadness, it's more like anger spiked with a more than a little bitterness. I don't want to feel this way. But my hands are tied. I don't feel that I can just sever the 'relationship' (and please read that with sarcasm!) but it's certainly not going anywhere.

Lord, thank You for not being swayed by our petty idiosyncrasies and tempers. Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love.


Beaner said...

I admit that my initial reactions to your blog are anger at your mom & a feeling of "well there's a nice, warm spot waiting for her!" Then I see myself choosing not to love just as she is choosing not to love you & it makes me sad for her & for you & yours. I know that only God can change her attitude & maybe something will happen to cause her to rethink what her definitions of "love" & "family" are (we can only pray) but I want you to know that I think you are a very courageous person who has a "don't give up attitude". All you can do is not give up on her. Even the ugliest of hearts (no offense) can be salvaged. By continuing to show care & concern for your mom, you are setting a wonderful example to your kids at how to love the unloveable! Keep the faith!!!!

Chris said...

Thanx 'Frieda'! I needed that! Hey - do you have an extra Zoe CD for a poor soul who's not going this year...? (Read with a tear in your eye...;)

Beaner said...

Speaking of moms & not going to Zoe - yours truly will have to miss this year too because my dad won a radio contest trip to VEGAS!!!! I'm excited for them because they never go anywhere, but I am bummed because my daughter will NOT stay w/anyone else (even though I have gotten offers) So.....we need to have a non-Zoe party - we'll listen to all the CD's & sing along & we can even watch the Ignighter videos. Sound good?

Chris said...

I am SOOO there! :)