Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I've been realizing recently how selfish I am. Not in a cranky, sleepy toddler kinda way, but a bit more subtly than that. I've noticed that I seem to have a lot of 'BC' thoughts when it comes to helping other people. I'm very disturbed by this discovery, as I've always thought of myself as a very generous and giving person.

For example, a family in my neighborhood recently lost their home in a fire. And I sympathized with them. Really, I did. But I was chagrined to get to church the next Sunday, and realize that another family in the body was asking for assistance for the fire family. It had never even occurred to me to do that! I was taken aback at the idea that I hadn't thought to ask for help on their behalf!

Lord, help me see others through Your eyes. Let me love them as You do. Let me pour myself out in Your service.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thanks, Skip. Satan's attacking again...