Wednesday, September 01, 2004


I must admit I really was struggling with some issues yesterday evening. I really wanted to be selfish, and, to be quite honest, pout because something I adore doing is being delayed yet again due to circumstance$ that should not be out of our control. I understand that the whole family is tightening the proverbial belt a bit to get caught up, but I really wanted just to stamp my foot and throw a royal hissy. I realize my DH is also making sacrifices, and this is difficult for him as well, if not more so, but last night, that whole compassion thing just wasn't working for me real well.

Ever feel that way? I mean, I know in my head that I need to just suck it up and deal with it, but the 'other' side of me wants to act like a spoiled brat - what a release I sometimes feel it would be! Just get it out of my system and go on.

But I didn't. I was supportive, and concerned, and loving. And I felt better after that than I would have after a hissy fit. But the temptation was soooo strong...

Lord, remove that temptation from me! I want to be a good wife and encourage my husband instead of being a burden. Rein in my inner child! And show me that I may have some of the attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman somewhere in my character - strength, capable, honor, wisdom.


Donna G said...

Oh yeah! I have felt that way. But your right in the long run the temporary "fix" of pitching a fit would not be as gratifying as being mature..... But oh the joy of the occasional "fit".

Jenni said...

Far too often I wish I could throw a fit....why do I always have to be the responsible, mature, dependable person that makes sure that everything gets done? When do I get to be completely selfish and just say "to heck with everything?" BUT, I think some of the gifts that God has given me are organization, responsibility, dependability -- and I better use them to His glory and not give in to the temptations of Satan.

commentator33 said...

yeah it is really hard to supress that sinful nature sometimes isn't it. It's like you're bursting to throw a stress but you know that Jesus wouldn't want you doing that.
Keep it up though, the more you sumbit to what God would have you do and leave that sinful nature behind, the more you will be walking in His ways and developing in love.
God bless