Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Letting Go

I heard something the other day on our local christian radio station that has stuck with me. The DJ was talking about an issue with which she was trying to deal, and she faithfully presented it to the Lord. She offered it to Him - praying with her hands out and palms up. There was no resolution, and hadn't been for awhile. She said she heard Him tell her to turn her hands over - and drop the problem into His care.

I know I've been guilty of this same action - offering it to Him, but keeping my hands ready to take back the issue if it's not taken care of to my specifications or timetable.

Lord, remind me that You are bigger than any problem I may be holding on to. Help me to turn my troubles over to You, to drop them into Your hands, because mine aren't big enough to carry them.


Beaner said...

Thanks - I needed that reminder today - esp. about the timetable. Sometimes when I'm asking "How long, Lord?" I'm really meaning "How long until I can take control again?" UGH!!! I also need to be more like Lot & less like Lot's wife!!!

Donna G said...

Yep, I needed this one too! Just when I think I have something licked for good it comes back after me, letting me know I should be letting go...letting GO!!