Wednesday, March 30, 2005 about a HEADACHE...

I tried to blog yesterday, but I must have irritated the blogger powers that be, because they accepted my post as some sort of atoning sacrifice and consumed it and the altar on which it was offered.

I had to take my younger DS to the local doc in a box Monday for headache with dizziness. This child sometimes has been known to "exaggerate" shall we say, symptoms in order to receive attention. But the dizziness and "foggy eyes" had us concerned, so after the school called me on his behalf, off we went.

We waited for two hours before we needed to go fetch DS1 from school, and there were still people ahead of us in line. I told the nurse we'd be back after 5pm.

So, about 5:10, we all head back to the dr. We finally got into an exam room at around 5:40 - keeping in mind they closed at 6pm. Dr came in around 5:50 and proceeded to give DS a thorough exam, but could find no reason for "the worst headache ever so far." Dr said he wanted to speak to our primary care physician for a consult and asked us to wait. Hmmph. He would periodically return to let us know he was still waiting for the dr to return his call. More waiting. At around 6:30, our dr finally called. Docinabox dr returned to the exam room to tell me that DS2 had a CT scan scheduled for right now. RIGHT NOW.

So off we go to the hospital. The nurse in triage led us to not radiology...but rather ADMISSIONS! More forms, more waiting. And then the admissions lady led us to radiology, but there was no one there. Just a phone and a sign sitting on a counter in front of an empty desk. I follow the instructions on the sign and call someone to let them know we're there and oh, so available for the scan. Finally, someone comes out and takes my paperwork and instructs us to sit and...thaaaaat's right...wait! *sigh*

We were led back to the scan room at around 7:30ish. The scan took literally 8 minutes and we were gone. As we were leaving, DS1 asked if the 'tiragy' stuff where we were when we got to the hospital was contagious. Thank heavens for comic relief!

Of course, don't forget, we have not been home yet. We rushed home, hoping against hope that the dog could hold it. Nope. And would someone please tell me why dogs HAVE to use the carpet instead of the linoleum?!? Oh, and of course Wrigley had an upset tummy...UGH!

Fortunately, DS2's scan was negative. He is still having headaches, but so far, they've been more controllable.

Not exactly how I was hoping to spend my Monday. However, I've determined that I will not let Satan get me down and will keep my head up, searching the skies!

Lord, thank You that the tests results were favorable! Comfort him and help us to help him feel better. You know our needs at this time, and You have ALWAYS come through for us. Lord, we're calling on You again to provide.


Donna G said...

I am glad the test came back good. I HATE waiting like that!

Speaking of headaches, I think I have my first sinus headache of the season...yuk!!

Beaner said...

Man!!! What is going on w/all of us? Check out MY blog for Nick's trip to the ER! And have you heard about Skip's trip? Seems his Escalade was broken into - sorry to spill the beans Skip! And "George" lost his voice & can't perform. I think Satan has infiltrated our little camp! Glad to hear DS2 is OK!!! Lots & LOTS of blugs this week!

Kate said...

So, that is where I got it from...