Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Innocence Lost

I think my rose-colored glasses have been lightened just a bit. And I have to admit, I'm mourning that bit of innocence and Pollyanna-ish-ness (?!) that I think I've lost. I hate to think that there are the kind of things I've heard about in the one area of my life where I want to be able to believe the best about people, but there ya go. I guess the church will never be perfect in this world, because as hard as we try, we're all still human.

Please pray for my families - church and home. Come, Lord Jesus!


Donna G said...

The reality of our human frailities is hard to take. We just want to go one place where everyone is good, everyone is trustworthy, just can't be done on this earth.

You have my prayers and blugs!

Beaner said...

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was just a pew-warmer. Or the days when D wasn't on the "inside". Mainly I just wish we could all unload our crap, our pasts & our idiosynchrosies onto the alter & love each other anyway. Maybe some day....

Susie said...

((hugs!)) That is really tough. I've struggled with similar feelings before, too. Praying for your families and hoping things are better soon. : )