Monday, February 28, 2005

New kid on the blog...

Yes, that's right - my DH has been assimilated into the BLOG. Fireguy has arrived. Check it out - should be interesting! This also means that my 101st thing is no longer true!

So, this weekend wasn't half bad. I felt very efficient Saturday. I was able to get done the things that needed to be done, both in and out of the house. Such a great feeling!

The kiddos and I watched a movie Saturday evening, and had a really nice time! I'm going to miss these cuddly, snuggly times - and I know they'll be ending all too soon.

Yesterday's worship was great! The songs were rockin' and the message was oh so challenging! With lots of 'Panera' thrown in the mix! (I've got to get over there sometime!)

I met one of our newer neighbors Saturday too. She's a single mom with a 7 year old son. My kiddos really enjoy playing with him so I figured I'd better go over and introduce myself. The funny thing is, we stood outside and talked for probably 10-15 minutes, but she never told me her name! So she's still "Jonathan's mom" at our house. Oh well!


Donna G said...

Cool husband you have! I'm glad I'm not the only person who can meet someone, carry on a conversation, but fail to get their name....

Beaner said...

Until I read your husband's blog, I thought DH stood for Designated Husband - I am such a dork!!!