Monday, February 21, 2005

Home again home again, jiggity jog

What am I thinking - no jogging! Although after all the chocolate this weekend - something sure needs to be done! The retreat went very well I thought. We were a crowded, but merry, band of about 35 or so. Our theme was "Speechless" - yeah, I've heard it already - 35 women together for a weekend and "speechless"?! Actually, during the time set aside for personal devotion, it was very quiet! We had lots of positive comments about the study material, the location, the food - it was very gratifying to hear that all the hard work the committee did was appreciated!

Fridays at our retreats are always fun - icebreaker games, singing, and free time/games until all hours.

Saturday we started with breakfast and then sang some songs and went into our video speaker presentation (Liz Curtis Higgs) after which we did personal devotions. We regrouped for lunch and then free time - usually naps after Friday, but games as well, and as we were in a beautiful location with halfway decent February weather, some went for walks. Then came dinner, after which we broke into small groups for one more study. Then we had some personal testimonies, and singing. LOTS of singing. My voice, which was iffy at best Friday morning, completely quit by about 11:30 Saturday night - that last 'there's no God like Jehovah' did me in!

Sunday morning was breakfast and singing, devotional and communion. Then we packed and skedaddled.

Sometimes, the ride home can be the most fun - our travel group of three vans wound up at a 'local' restaurant, where we found three other van loads! Lots of fun!

We studied Liz Curtis Higgs' Bad Girls of the Bible this year, and it seemed to go over well! I believe that based on the response we had at the retreat that we'll be doing the book as a Sunday School class.

I do have to admit that I felt a bit disconnected this year - I'm not sure why. I didn't feel like I could get as deep into my studies or relationships this weekend. I don't know if it was the headaches I suffered from ALL weekend, or the fact that I was really concerned if people would be getting anything out of the studies/weekend, or that I hadn't been sleeping and it was really catching up to me...I don't know...

Regardless, it was good to get home and see my kiddos and DH and dawg. Of course, this morning my elder gets up and reminds me he needs 25 treats of some sort for his 'half-birthday' - ugh! Please! Half-birthday?!?! Why does the teacher think I had kids in the summer in the first place?!? Fortunately (for me, anyway), younger DS's half birthday happens to fall during Christmas break! Mwahaha!

So off I trudge to the store looking for treats. You know what? 25 is not the common number in which cupcakes are sold. Fortunately, I had a sympathetic bakery who threw in an extra cupcake at no charge. But I drew the line at beverages! Just call me the half-birthday scrooge! lol!


Beaner said...

Chris, thank you so much for ALL the hard work you did in preparing for the retreat! It was great! I had a good, relaxing time. I enjoyed the fun times & the studies as well - and boy could I relate!!! It wasn't a big, emotional catharsis this year, but I feel like I got exactly what I needed this time - a sense of peace. And for the record, during the whole video Liz kept reminding me of you! You have a very similar sense of humor & you crack me up!!! Thanks for your friendship - rock on!!!

Chris said...

Good! I'm glad you had a good time! And as for the work - it truly was a pleasure! It's funny you made the comment about comparing me and Liz (thanks, by the way!) - someone else told me the same thing! Huh! Blugs!

Donna G said...

I am so glad the retreat went well. Nothing like intense spiritual times to refuel the soul.

1/2 birthdays??!! I would have to protest as well.

Donna G said...
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Anonymous said...

Liz Curtis Higgs spoke at our Women's Enrichment Day one year. What a funny lady. So many ladies wet their pants that day!