Thursday, February 24, 2005


101. I don't think my DH has ever read my blog...hmmm

Well, it's been a roller coaster kinda day - you know - good news, bad news, upside down news - the whole gamut! I'm choosing to focus on the good and praise God for His hand in it.

I recently got a posting on the 'other job' from my friend on the inside. It doesn't look like it would be something I could do. Some of the qualifications I simply don't have, and even with the benefits, we couldn't handle that drastic of a pay cut. So, I'll keep my eyes open. Or rather, closed in prayer.

I received the sweetest note yesterday from one of our 'retreaters'! She was thanking me and the committee for all of our hard work. What a rush! I really need to do this same kind of thing for other people more often! Share the joy!

My boss (the not nice one) has been buying products to disguise his voice. It's been really odd - I mean, where does one go to get something like that?! Stalkers 'R' Us? Gosh!

Lord, make our paths straight. Help me to be encouraging and supportive to others, as You encourage me. Thank You for my family and all they do.


Donna G said...

I worry that my husband does read mine. He did find out I was car shopping by reading it once. I think he is too busy now (I hope)

It is amazing the power of a card! I've got to do more of that.

Beaner said...

I confess!!!! Your DH might have learned something about your childhood from me instead of from you - about the sirens. DOH! I just figured he already knew that. I guess there's always something new to learn. I don't know if my DH reads mine anymore. The 100 list should be interesting to him too.

Chris said...

One of the first questions he asked me last night was how many cookies I had eaten at the retreat...hmmm...maybe him joining y'all isn't such a good idea...heh (and I think he knew about the sirens, he may have just forgotten!) :D

Beaner said...

He didn't get the cookie thing from me - I swear! There were 2 other women there that morning!!!

It was nice to see him there - our little group is getting pretty big now! Panera Church has at least doubled in attendance in recent weeks!