Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Well, another day at work...sigh. But on the bright side, another day closer to the retreat! Woo hoo!

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day - and for my single friends - Happy Ferris Wheel Day!

Next on the list of things of which I'm certain...God has blessed me beyond measure. He has given me life. He has given me a wonderful husband and children. He has given me a great measure of health. My church family is out of this world. I have a job, for which I'm grateful. He is constantly providing for me and my family. He's given me talents which I am still discovering through the kind words of others. Even the fact that the sun rose this morning and I could enjoy it is from Him. How marvelous! And it goes on...


Beaner said...

Well you just confirmed what I already thought - I must be from another planet!

Jeff said...

I'm not sure about Happy Ferris Wheel Day--but I'll take a Happy Ferris Bueller Day anytime.

Chris said...

Okay, Beaner - please 'splain...!

"George" - you crack me up!

Beaner said...

Well....you said your church family was "out of this world". Having trouble connecting the dots, eh?

Mae said...

What does Happy Ferris Wheel day? And why only for the singletons? Please inform the uninformed! :)

Chris said...

Sorry Beaner - not enough caffeine...

Mae - I guess I was just trying to be PC - I've been hearing about how horrid Valentine's Day is for singles, so I was trying to offer an alternative celebration...