Thursday, February 17, 2005


My DH came to me last night and asked for prayers. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but this doesn't happen often. So I sat quietly and listed attentively, while at the same time, I'm jumping for joy inside. He let me know that he has some hard tasks to take care of in the next couple of days and that he needs prayers that things would well. I guess there's good news and bad news here: good that he's asking for prayers, not so good for the things he needs to do. But, I've decided to look at the bad stuff as an opportunity for God to show His power.

The retreat is tomorrow! Darn work is really interfering with the stuff I need to get done...

Next on my list of things I believe/know is that my family loves me. My DH and kids are so wonderful and I'm incredibly blessed. There are some people in my hometown family who are solid as rocks and on my side - and they more than make up for the ones that aren't.

Thank You Lord for my family. Lord, please be with my husband over the next couple of days. Extend Your grace to him as he humbles himself. Please let things work according to Your will and plan. Be with the women at the retreat this weekend. Let us draw close to You and experience Your power.


Donna G said...

I would faint dead away hearing those words from my DH. I hope things go well for your DH.

I also hope your retreat is wonderful! I know that it will be. Have a great time and come back filled with the Spirit!

Susie said...

How wonderful that your DH came to you with that! : ) Good for you both.

Have a wonderful retreat! Wish my church had retreats. Come back refreshed and share! : )