Wednesday, February 23, 2005

100 things - part one

1. I've been saved.
2. I don't deserve it.
3. I'm a wife.
4. I'm a mom.
5. I've been baptized twice.
6. I was never teacher's pet.
7. I was the principal's pet (much better!)
8. I'm an only child.
9. I'm a good speller.
10. I spelled down my entire grade school when I was in fourth grade.
11. I came in fourth in the next round of competition.
12. I used to collect koala bears, music boxes and unicorns.
13. I love to read.
14. I love music.
15. But, I don't read music well.
16. I sing while I do dishes. Every night.
17. I didn't go to my prom - or any dances in high school.
18. I didn't have my first date until the night I graduated.
19. I was in an accelerated English class in high school.
20. I cannot diagram a sentence.
21. I hated studying wars and battles.
22. I acted in a play (yes, a real one!) when I was in Jr. High.
23. I don't know how I got roped into doing it.
24. I come from a broken home.
25. I was nine days late when I was born.
26. My mother thought my head was on backwards when viewing an early sonogram.
27. I am a sexual abuse survivor.
28. I love weddings.
29. My first experience singing publicly was at a funeral for someone I didn't know.
30. I don't read my Bible or pray nearly as much as I should.
31. I'm related to John Wilkes Booth.
32. I've been to both coasts.
33. I hate to clean floors.
34. I have no desire to visit Las Vegas.
35. Ah...but the United Kingdom is another story...
36. I don't cook very well. Or very often.
37. I like chocolate.
38. I couldn't eat the stuff when I was pregnant.
39. I have a terrific memory for useless information.
40. I'm a great Trivial Pursuit player.
41. I'm named for two aunts.
42. I like Victoriana.
43. I enjoy cross-stitching.
44. But I can't ever finish projects after the stitching is done.
45. Because I can't sew.
46. I'm a Past Honored Queen.
47. I've always lived in the same state.
48. I'm dentist-phobic.
49. I used to work in a carnival.
50. And as a result of that job, I once showered in a tent next to a beer garden.


Beaner said...

WOW!! That was so cool I just had to do my own!

Some things I didn't know - some things I wondered about - some things I will pray about! Thanks for sharing! It's fun to get a "more complete" picture of someone!

Chris said...

Yeah, I'd appreciate the prayers as a former carny...blugs!