Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It's ALIVE!!

Well, mostly alive anyway...

I checked out of work last Thursday. The niggling pain in my throat turned into a full blown assault on my entire system. Not pretty. DH was firmly convinced that I started my annual bout of pneumonia early this year, and I have to admit that Saturday I was ready to agree with him. But I'm feeling a bit better today. It's amazing how much work can pile up from being gone just one day. But I'm finally officially caught up! Hooray!

So not much has really been going on that I've been conscious of anyway. I know people came to our house to watch the Super Bowl Sunday evening, and I was really looking forward to it! However, one of our guests said he'd be late, and as he recently had two bouts of major hip surgery, I wanted to make sure he was able to navigate our treacherous front steps. So I remained upstairs while the party headed down to the cave.

Sunday after church the Women's Ministry Group finalized (if I may use that term loosely) the ladies' retreat. I think (hope and pray) that it will be a good time!

Have a pleasant day!


Jeff said...

Glad you're feeling better! Will pray for your continued improvement!

Donna G said...

Glad you are O.K. I was beginning to get worried. You have a pleasant day too!!