Monday, May 23, 2005

Angels and bugs

I got a call yesterday from my aunt and grandfather, stating that they were coming to town and hoping to drop by to see us. Of course, at the time they called, we were sitting in church. Wouldn't ya know it?! Fortunately, they stopped by on their way out of town, so I got to see them. My aunt, indeed, most of the women in the family (both sides) are/were involved in Job's Daughters - a masonic organization for girls. Currently, my aunt and grandfather are the adult leaders of the chapter in my home town, and my aunt is in line to be the big boss of the state in about two years. She has asked me to help her with some cross stitching for her term as GG, as soon as she finds the 'right' angel (her mascot.) Well, some of that surf time at work came in handy as I was able to direct her to a particular designer's website. Woohoo! We'll see what she thinks...

The boys and I watched the Crufts Dog Show last night. Wow - huge! However, I didn't see a Brit among the competitors. Speaking of dogs - ours is a goofball! Of the HIGHEST degree! His breed happens to point (only spaniel that does, so I'm told) and to watch him point while on the deck or looking out the front door is a riot! He absolutely WILL. NOT. MOVE. You can bug him, tease him, call him, anything - and he just stays like he is. Usually, he's watching a rabbit (his favorite!) or a chipmunk in the backyard, or birds in the front. Well, last night, I let him out for the last time of the night, and before he's at the steps of the deck, he starts pointing. And there I am, straining to see what the heck he's looking at. No, don't see a rabbit. No birds. No chipmunks. Nothing. DS1 crept up beside me and, after watching a few seconds, told me Wrigley was pointing at the lightning bugs! Sheesh!


Chris said...

I don't think so! I've seen what you wanted for past gifts, and I have the gray hairs to prove it!

Tell ya what - how 'bout if I let you BORROW the dog every once in awhile - like this morning when he tossed his cookies in the living room...?

Beaner said...

LOL! You guys are great!

If you're even THINKING about getting a motorcycle, I'm just gonna have to let you know that IMHO, they are EVIL! (At least in the city - too many cars, too many stops, way too dangerous!)

Chris said...

Nope - I'm pretty sure that's not it - he won't let me have one! LOL!