Friday, May 20, 2005


FRIDAY!! Woo-ha! Nothing much has been going on in my little world. I've been stitching again - which has been a real stress reliever for me. Not stitching anything huge or complicated. I found some freebie patterns of the months of the year - really small ones - but they're put out by a floss company. And of course, I can't find their floss in my local cross stitch shop, so I get to customize them when I kit them out. LOVE to do that!

The kiddos are nearly done with school for the year - happy and sad at the same time. Looking forward to having them home! Summer starts the birthday season for us, too, so I need to get on the ball planning some parties.

Today is Wrigley's birthday - and yes, looks like we'll be doing something for him - and this after I swore I wouldn't be one of those dog people! Oh well, he's worth it!

So. There ya go. Small town me and my small town life and small town thoughts of randomness...but I'm okay with that!

1 comment:

Donna G said...

Sometimes the simple pleasures of life are the best. Time spent at home, blogging, reading, playing at photography and playing with the "boy" are really more satifying than cruising in the Caribbean!