Tuesday, May 03, 2005

"Is there a problem?!" Sheesh!

Can I just say how much I detest when people are inconsiderate, rude, and downright selfish! Especially when it's someone you HAVE to be around! No avoidance! And then that person has the nerve to ask what's wrong!? Ugh! ...breathe in...breathe out... Okay - venting over - for now!

We're anxiously awaiting the results of DS1' s math test today. (Thanks, Kate!) We've been encouraging him to study harder and bring his grades up, because he doesn't have much time left this year. Don't know if he's going to make it in time!

The office manager has been gone the last two days and so I've been covering her work as well as my own, so this won't be very long (or very interesting, for that matter!) Just wanted to check in and say yes I'm still here somewhere - buried under paperwork and phone cords! lol!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Donna G said...

Hey! I thought all of those rude inconsiderate people lived in Alabama! Sorry you have to deal with them too!