Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I got the sweetest hand-drawn cards from the kiddos - nothing better than that! And of course, DS1 always cracks me up when he signs things - 'from your loving son' - what ten year old talks like that?! DH got me a book that he didn't even know I wanted - he's good! And told me that the picture I blogged about will hopefully be coming to our house sometime soon - as soon as the store finds one for him. I didn't have to do dishes or laundry or anything! I got the remote ALL DAY! Pretty good Mother's Day!

I called my grandmother to wish her a HMD and make sure she got her card (and in a roundabout way - to make sure my mother got her card too.) What I wanna know is - where are the cards for dysfunctional families?! I mean, it's always been a problem especially for Mother's Day! "You've always been there for me, your unconditional love means the world to me, I couldn't have done it without you," blah blah blah. Come one - where are the cards that say "Thanks for the egg!" or "Thanks for the nine month rent-free accomodations" or "You were awesome when I was a kid, but recently..." Sorry if I sound a little bitter. Mother's Day just puts me in a bit of a snit.

So, I'll focus on how wonderful my day was and how much grammy loved her card and leave it at that.


Donna G said...

My family is not even dsyfunctional in the true sense of the word, but I have a hard time finding cards. My mother reads every word of the cards I send her. I refuse to let a card say what I don't mean. Maybe your kids have the right approach with the home made deal. Or perhaps you could start a new line of cards and get rich...

Chris said...

Every year, I tell myself that I will start the dysfunctional family holiday card line (with a catchier name, of course) and make a mint! LOL!

Donna G said...

I just went at lunch to look for a card for our departing preacher's wife.... I couldn't find one that said...So you are leaving us...Get out already.

(tongue in cheek- sarcasm oosing just in case you couldn't tell)

Beaner said...

I hand-wrote my card & also sent my mom an e-card because I have a hard time finding one that fits too. I need one that says "You were overprotective & controlling & we never got along much back then, but I'm glad we're reconnecting now." I always wanted that mother/daughter relationship where they are like best friends & go shopping w/one another. I absolutley dread raising my own doughter - I'm afraid it'll be the same relationship w/her & so I think I compensate & give in to her too many times. Sigh - are there ANY "normal" relationships anymore???

Chris said...

...which is why I had boys...