Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I got 'got'!

Well, I definitely was had! We had planned a cookout for Memorial Day and invited some of our favorite people for ribs, chicken, potato salad, banana pudding - the works! And we made it through Monday morning with all the requisite preparation - cooking, cleaning, etc. The first guests arrived and meat came off the grill, and I was busy in the house trying to keep up with the demand (the food was awesome - thanks everyone!) DH called me outside and proceeds to inform me that this was actually a surprise birthday party for me! What a sweetie!! This is the second surprise party he's been able to pull on me - and this time the kiddos actually kept it from me! I don't whether to be proud of them or concerned...lol! It was a wonderful time, and I had a ball!

Thank you honey, for all your hard work - and thank you friends for coming!


Donna G said...

Man, you need to recalculate your birthday hours, minutes, seconds... sounds like yours lasted for 5 days!!!

Hope it was great!

Beaner said...

Chris, I am SOOO sorry! I was out of the loop on the Birthday party thing! Maybe D knew & didn't share? Well, I hope you had a fun day anyway - I had a great time & the food WAS awesome!

BTW, how is DS2's face?

Chris said...

YOU were out of the loop - heck! I didn't even know there WAS a loop! LOL!

DS2's face doesn't look nearly as bad as we thought it would!

Jeff said...

Beaner didn't know because D didn't tell her. I was the one responsible for getting the message to music team members--and I didn't take advantage of the best moments to do so because I kept forgetting!