Thursday, July 14, 2005


I know my recent posts haven't exactly been earth-shatteringly deep or meaningful, or, heck, even interesting - but hey, that's kinda where I am right now...

So. On with today's creamed corn...

A is for age: 38
B is for booze: Fuzzy Berry
C is for career: litigation coordinator (sounds a lot more impressive than it is!)
D is for dad's name: Danin
E is for essential item to bring to a party: whatever the host/hostess requests, I guess
F is for favorite songs at the moment: wow - lots right now
G is for goof off thing to do: cross stitch or TV (evidently, I have very eclectic viewing trends...)
H is for hometown: *sigh* small town, Illinois
I is for instrument you play: took piano for a number of years, but haven't played in a long time!
J is for jam or jelly you like: anything with the word 'berry'
K is for kids: 2
L is for living arrangements: DH and kiddos and dawg
M is for mom's name: Ellen
N is for name of good friend: JL
O is for overnight stays in hospital: 2 - both for births
P is for phobias: small spaces, and I'm not real crazy about heights
Q is for quotes you like: Psalm 27:4, Psalm 104:33
R is for longest relationship: current with DH - nearly 13 years of marriage
S is for siblings: none, nada, zero, zip
T is for Texas: father-in-law lives there, and now some very dear friends do too
U is for unique traits: umm...
V is for vegetables that you love: sweet potatoes, sweet corn (hmmm - sensing a trend...)
W is for worst trait: lazy
X is for X-rays you've had: sprained ankle in high school, couple of times for pneumonia
Y is for yummy food you make: I make a mean broiled chicken breast; german pancake
Z is for zodiac sign: gemini


Jenni said...

oh, i like this one! i'm gonna steal it, ok?

Chris said...

Steal away!

Donna G said...

A is for age: 46
B is for booze: Margarita
C is for career: Mortgage lender
D is for dad's name: Hubert
E is for essential item to bring to a party: good music
F is for favorite songs at the moment: Not ONE right now
G is for goof off thing to do: blog...without doubt!
H is for hometown: Cullman, Alabama
I is for instrument you play: NADA!
J is for jam or jelly you like: Apple
K is for kids: 2
L is for living arrangements: DH two dogs 7 goldfish
M is for mom's name: Mary Joy
N is for name of good friend: Terri
O is for overnight stays in hospital: 3 - births & miscarriage
P is for phobias: heights, pressing crowds
Q is for quotes you like: It doesn't matter what you are deep inside, it matters what you do! Batman begins!
R is for longest relationship: current with DH - 30 years
S is for siblings: two brothers one older one younger
T is for Texas: Lots of bloggers here.
U is for unique traits: sweat a lot for a girl.
V is for vegetables that you love: green beans, okra
W is for worst trait: procrastination
X is for X-rays you've had: most recently my sprained arm,lots of dental x-rays.
Y is for yummy food you make: Grilled burgers or steak
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio