Thursday, July 07, 2005

Stuck like glue

Well, if nothing else, DH's recent post certainly opened some lines of communication! There was a veritable revolving door on my house last night!
Last night at the supper table (finally), DS1 announced that he had a very important question to ask us. He puffed up his chest in a very self-important manner, and asked "When did you attach yourself to Christ?"
"You mean, when did we become christians?"
"Yeah, that."
So, DH and I grinned at his word choice, and then gave him an abbreviated version of our testimonies. DS1 said that they asked all their camp counselors that at FCA sports camp last week.
But the more I thought about it, the more I wondered. Have I really 'attached' myself to Christ? I pictured a sticky sandbur. Have I given up everything I know and am I clinging to Him for dear life, knowing that without Him there is no hope for me? Or picture superglue. Is my attachment to Him such that I have become bonded at the deepest level? Or perhaps a frightened toddler. In my eagerness to be near Him, am I in a position to nearly knock Him over in my desperation?
What if my attachment is more like a post-it note? Convenient, and long-lasting, but eventually fading with time and effort. Or perhaps like an allegiance to a trendy cause, the fervor dying away when the cause becomes unnecessary or unpopular.
What's your attachment?


john alan turner said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. You ask good questions here. I'll have to think about this.

Donna G said...

The post-it note thing strikes a chord. Sometimes we want to be stuck, unless it is inconvenient, then we take it down and put it away.... Good thoughts!

Jeff said...

Wow--out of the mouths of babes. . . . Good food for thought! Thanks!

Dwiggy444 said...

How attached am I? Fused at the hip is probably the best way to describe it...

If the last 4 weeks have taught me anything, it's that Jesus Christ is the ONLY solid, dependable thing in my life. He is the only source of joy and the only source of peace. So I am clinging to Him hard and He is holding on just as tight. Sometime I forget how much I need Him, but then I look up and He is still right there, reminding me that all of this other stuff is just temporary, ethereal.