Monday, July 25, 2005


So. The weekend.

Watched the one year old niece Saturday morning. DH went to the blues festival Saturday afternoon with his mom and sister. Said he had a great time.

Sunday we stayed home. All day. No church, as those of you who read DH's blog may have known. Just cleaned and did laundry and chilled (and stitched.) And, you know, it was nice. Got to reconnect with the family. Did a quick study in James with DH and the boys.

Today, yes, while at work, tried to work on decorating themes for the craft auction this fall. Any supplemental ideas greatly appreciated!

And now. It's Monday evening, and I've just caught up with DH's day, and his new blog entry. Wow. He said his day was good, and he was able to get with Mark today. Man, I miss him and Co! As for DH's blog entry - well, to be honest, I just want to sit here and cry. I know he's hurting so much about this, and I just feel like there's nothing I can do to fix it. I love my church, imperfect as it may be. I know he loves the body here. He wants to do so much, but doesn't feel like he can. I don't know. I am doing my best to support him in his struggles, but I don't know if I'm helping or hindering. He has repeatedly told me that he isn't asking me to leave our church, and I truly believe he means that. I don't want to leave, but if he decides to go somewhere else, I'm not sure I'm going to know how to 'do' that.

...asking for prayers...Thanks!


Donna G said...

Got the prayers! How the hurt seems to dominoe. Maybe that is why God want let me take this lightly.

This sounds weird, but I love you guys, you are in my prayers.

Beaner said...

Praying for you & yours!